Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Great Gatsby Questions

Opening Question:

Do you think Nick is sexist? Why will he hang out with Tom and his mistress but not let Gatsby see Daisy?

Core Questions:

Do you think Nick is a bad cousin for not telling Daisy about Tom's mistress?

I don't think he is categorized as a bad person because Daisy has been married to Tom for quite a while and she knew that he was having an affair with many women and she was still there. I don't know why she didn't leave because she didn't care enough to leave him or be upset about it.

Why didn't Gatsby just go see Daisy instead of spending all that money on parties and use Nick for an excuse to go over for tea?

I think Gatsby was afraid that Daisy didn't love him anymore because he was aware that she was married. Or it could've been that he was trying to respect the fact that she had a husband. I think that he didn't want to impose into Daisy's life.

Do you think that Nick is being used just to get Daisy back?

I don't know. Nick just moved into a house that was in a budget without knowing that Gatsby lived there or why Gatsby moved there. I think Gatsby sees Nick as a trustworthy person and wanted to inform him about Daisy because he wanted his help to see her. I just really want to know how he knew that Nick and Daisy were related? 

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